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Image by Robinson, Teresa. "Right Brain Planning (elements)." Uploaded 6/21/08 via Flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license. |
- Connect the issue to the audience's world view
- Even though my genre examples don't have a definite form for introductions, it's important to have some sort of lead to draw readers in with.
- All of my readers are parents, so they have some things in common that will be easy to appeal to. They all want what's best for their kids, and they all struggle with how to be good parents.
- Drawing on these commonalities will make my readers feel understood and will make them more receptive to my argument.
- Major supporting arguments to oppose spanking
- While the evidence is not conclusive, there is a correlation between spanking and emotional/mental problems in children.
- Spanking makes children fear rather than respect their parent(s).
- This can have long-term effects on the relationship between the child and the parent even into adulthood.
- Spanking teaches a child to approach problems and anger with violence.
- It also teaches them that being hit by someone who loves you is okay.
- This could lead to people staying in violent or unsafe relationships because they don't realize that what is going on is not okay or they don't know any different way to show or receive affection.
- Spanking is, unfortunately, often a snap reaction by the parent when they are angry about something their kid has done.
- Parents often spank when there are alternatives, because they are angry and are not thinking clearly enough to evaluate the situation fully.
- The child may not be told why they are being punished, and therefore, can't learn from their mistake.
- Major criticisms that support spanking
- Children learn in many different ways. What works for one child may be completely ineffective for the next.
- For some kids, time out or taking away toys or games does not correct their bad behavior.
- If a child is doing something that is incredibly dangerous, there is sometimes no way to immediately reprimand them for that.
- If a child tries to dart into the road, a spank might be the only way to immediately show them that their behavior is not only bad but could have horrible consequences.
- " I was spanked and I turned out fine."
- "Kids today aren't spanked and they are spoiled little brats."
- Key points and rebuttals
- Points to support my argument
- Spanking creates fear instead of respect and can damage the future relationship between the parent and the child.
- Spanking teaches children that violence is okay, both to dish out and to receive.
- Spanking is often done out of violence rather than to teach a child not to behave a certain way.
- Points I need to address and disprove
- Saying there is no alternative way to discipline a child than to hit them.
- Both in emergency situations or based off of different learning styles. There is always an alternative.
- "I turned out fine" doesn't apply to everyone. If even one child is damaged by this, shouldn't the issue be addressed?
- Potential topic sentences for each support paragraph
- "The bond between a parent and a child is irreplaceable, yet the way that parents punish their children can have strong negative effects on that incredibly special relationship."
- Paragraph about how spanking damages relationship between parent and child.
- "Teaching children that violence is okay in any scenario can teach them that violence is an okay response to a bad situation."
- Can lead to issues in school and, later, domestic violence problems.
- "If a parent spanks out of anger, they are likely to make the behavior problem less of a teaching experience and more of a direct punishment."
- Anger is not conducive to teaching a child a lesson, and that is unfortunately the state of mind that many parents are in when they spank their child.
- Potential topic sentences for each rebuttal paragraph
- "While it is true that not everyone who was spanked as a child was damaged in any way, the safety of the children who were affected warrants the attention that this controversy has been attracting."
- Not every one was damaged, but the issue still needs to be talked about and hopefully resolved.
- "There is always an alternative; that applies to this controversy as well."
- Address the possible alternative forms of discipline and how they too can be effective.
- Gathering evidence
- Because I am drawing a lot from my own experiences, I probably won't be using many, if any, outside sources in my article.
- Mapping my argument
- Click here to see the Coggle that I made for organizing my argument
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Screenshot by Boone-Roberts, Morgan. 11/3/15 from Coggle. |
- Future of the debate
- This debate has been going on for such a long time and is so emotionally charged that a resolution coming anytime soon is unlikely.
- So why is it important?
- How can people work to end the controversy?
- Is it even possible to resolve or will there always be a schism between the two sides that is impossible to fix or bring together?
Isabel's outline was really well done. Just from reading her outline, I think I have a good understanding of how her article will inform and persuade her audience that electrical stimulation is an effective form of physical therapy.
Alyssa's visual elements post and her outline show a well-planned project. Her outline wasn't as detailed as Isabel's mostly because her project is a video rather than a written piece. She has good ideas about how to proceed and has experience making video projects, so I am sure her project will turn out great.
I feel confident in my outline, and I think it will help me a lot as I begin drafting my article.
Your outline is extremely well-thought out and thorough. I myself was having trouble making an adequate outline because I'm making a video, and don't really have a set format for how I'm going to do it. I like the way you laid out the rebuttal and major criticisms in your outline. Additionally, just skimming a few of your topic sentence, I understand the topic of your argument and, more specifically, your purpose. I think you are very well-prepared!
ReplyDeleteThis outline was done really well. I think your coggle will be a great reference when composing your actual project because of the organization and detail of it. It shows that you really have a good idea of what your going to talk about specifically and in what order. Your argument is pretty different from mine as it really appeals to the emotions of your readers rather than fact, I think this is the best way to go about your argument. Good job.
ReplyDeleteYour outline looks good. You include enough information to make drafting easier for yourself. Also, you are using a different approach than I am. You are using personal stories more for your support and I am using outside sources. Also, you are using a future of debate for your conclusion and I am using a call to action approach. However, your project should be an interesting read!